Prison Origin Updates, Added Seir Form and More!

Hey all! 

So, with the latest update, three more demon powers have been added for the Witch! Darkness Manipulation,  Blood Weapons and Demon Tongue! 

Speaking of demon, Seir's black Hare form has been added! If your little familiar couldn't get cuter, well, now  you can carry them around and feed them lettuce while they stare at people around you and creep them out! 

There is also an added ending the Prison Origin, a run in with Aguilar that leaves you with a lovely souvenir from the prison! 

Now, arranged marriage is going to be wrapped up, and then Chapter 1 will be worked on! Then when that's out, a few more origins worked on! I don't want yall kept in suspense for too long! That and the E Rawlins game will be finished up and uploaded, with it being free for my beta testers and patrons! I still have to work on my dissertation but I am really happy with the progress so far! 

Thanks, Ink!


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87 days ago

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