Tiny Customisation Update!

Hey, hey! 

Another log to break the silence! It is bigger!! But that's because its secretly halfway done with the arranged marriage option and a few other changes! 

The main thing however, is that I really hated the look of the old version, so I've updated with the options to change fronts, to switch from a light to a dark mode, as well as general upgrades to the links and headers! I just wanted to get a nicer looking version out, and it was gnawing at me. 

I'm still working on my dissertation, so everything has been slow, but the arranged marriage origin is halfway done, and when done with that, then I get to focus on smaller things and then chapter 1! Woo! 

Thank you for the increased support, the continued support and everyone whose been so nice while we're getting started up with the story!

Thank you,



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Sep 29, 2024

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