First Demo!

God, hello! 

So, the prologue is available to be played! It's just missing the origins missing. I mainly wanted to publish the prologue, and then get to relax and go back and focus and knock out the origins one by one, of which, the prison origin is halfway done in a different code, but I'll get to switch the code over to Harlowe. 

I wanted there to be a glimpse of the RO's, and the important themes, before hunkering down. 

If there are any bugs, please shoot a message, my Beta players are MIA as of right this second. 

But, as per usual, my tumblr and patreon has way more updates than this page will get! 

Thank you so much and shout out to McGclock for putting me on a really cool list! It feels so undeserved! 

Thank you ALL SO SO SO MUCH!


Rot of Witchwood.html Play in browser
Jun 04, 2024

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